On Sat, 23 Dec 2006 17:24:39 GMT, "David Morgan \(MAMS\)"
No arabs on the passenger manifests.
They can't. If they did, you'd see that each of the hijackers is
They can't? OK.... I'll check into this, since I do know they aren't
available. Do you have a source for this restriction?
Since you admit that you've never seen a passenger manifest, how do
you continue to claim that there are no Arabs on them?
"The hijackers' remains will be turned over to the FBI and held as
evidence, FBI spokesman Chris Murray said. After the investigation is
concluded, the State Department will decide what is to be done with
the remains."
Hopefully wrap them in pork skins and flush them down the toilet.
Autopsies done by the federal government instead of local hospitals?
What? The federal government taking part in a federal investigation?
dare they!
Well then, show me another multiple crash incident where the government
performed 100% of the autopsies. A source or cite would do nicely.
Autopsies of Flights 11, 175, and 93 were done under the direction of
the local coroner. Only Flight 77 was done by the government. So
show us a crash at a military installation where the government didn't
do the autopsies.
That just makes too much sense...
8 of the 19 'alleged' hijackers found alive.
Interesting. What was the source for this story?
French Newspapers, British newspapers, Loose Change documentary,
perhaps as many or more than 100 of the 911 Truth websites., Chinese
and Russian newspapers, etc..
And yet not one of the hijackers has ever appeared in public, been
interviewed, or had his photograph taken. Don't you find that odd if
so many were still alive?
Quite honestly, I'm not wearing a tin cap and I buy the WTC crashes. But
by the same token, being somewhat more than just 'familiar' with aircraft
design and crash scenarios... I'm more interested in the missing aircraft
from the Pentagon and Pennsylvania.
Lots of parts of each were recovered.
These bozos seems surprised to learn that airplanes fuel of fuel flown into
the ground at full throttle aren't always intact.
FAA flight control and ATC tapes completely destroyed.
Were they? do you have a source for that?
Oh get real. Why should I spoon feed you a damned thing. *You* don't
it anyway. Of course there are sources... large numbers of them. GOOGLE
This is OOOOOLD stuff from multiple major sources, man... I can't believe
you would try to pass it off as untrue or non-existant.
Did you hear the story about the ATC manager who wanted to make an
recording of ATC statements? He had to clear it with the union. Since
ATC's that day were to be required to provide written statements, the
agreed, with the provision being that once the information on the tape
transcribed into a written statement, the audio tape would be
The written statements still exist.
Gee... Do you have a source for where I can read those ?
It's in the 911 Commission report.
Davey won't read it, because he KNOWS it's all part of the big government
disinformation plot. :O|
Are you saying that you believe that the everyday work done in our skies
is NOT recorded, verbatim ??? If so, you are quite wrong. Dozens of
FOIA requests exist asking for these daily records, which apparently no
longer exist.
Cite? Most of them have been played ad nauseum on the news.
There are even video documentaries online that play excerpts from those ATC
tapes, as well as interviews with the controllers. The so-called "theories"
of Davey and his ilk are conspicuous in the deliberate omission of a lot of
stuff that's already available, and known to anyone who bothered to look.
Funny that a paper passport made it through your building collapsing,
gazillion-degree fire, and all the way to the street below to be
discovered on the same day by the FBI, thus pointing a 'patsy'
Funny that you are unable to note that millions of papers survive the
thing to end up on the street below.
I note that the "alleged" passport was supposedly at the nose of the
making the impact and creating the fire.... NOT on other levels of the
You don't have a clue as to where the passport was. But while you're
thinking about it, take a shot at explaining the hands and the flight
attendent body that was found from one of the WTC aircraft.
Hilarious that fires cause heat and heat rises and that papers can be
coming out of the building from the same area as the fires and floating
upward first, on this column of hot air, before falling back to earth.
You are so silly. This particular piece of paper should have become part
of the alleged hijacker's boiling blood.
The fact of the matter is that the federal government has not and
can not produce the evidence that supports their feeble stories about
They have Dave.
If this is true, there would BE NO 911 Truth movement.
Yes, you're proof positive that there would be a "truth movement"
Dedicated kooks don't let facts get in the way... :O|
... especially regarding building 7 and the mysteriously
disintegrating aircraft at the both the Pentagon and in
Pennsylvania. Plus, how can an aircraft of that size completely
disintegrate (especially since it contains indestructable parts) yet
soft bodies allegedly made it to autopsy?
Mysterious if this is the first time you ever looked at the result of a
plane crash.
I have seem the aftermath of a good sized plane crash. USAF Lockheed C-141B
67-0030 at Cairo West (aka "Bumfuck, Egypt"):
There wasn't much of this plane left, and it was on descent with flaps down.
How much of a similar size A/C would anyone expect to find if it were flown
full power into a structure? As far as finding bodies, they are typically
thrown around, and the impact absorbed the bodies are traumatized and parts
torn off and thrown around. Davey is clearly an idiot who is way over his
head regarding this type of stuff.